Swiss Avenue Homes for Sale
Swiss Avenue Historic District
Douglas Newby, a national award-winning realtor, has sold more homes on Swiss Avenue than any other real estate broker. Living in Munger Place, he understands the positive evolution of the neighborhood, the architecturally significant homes on the street and, maybe most important, potential homes for sale not yet on the market. Call Douglas Newby and you will enjoy finding out more about Swiss Avenue and its homes for sale.
Featured Swiss Avenue Homes

Hal Thompson Designed Historic Home on Swiss Avenue – Sold by Douglas Newby
Swiss Avenue is the cradle of Dallas architecture and architecturally significant homes. Hal Thomson, who designed this home at 5323 Swiss Avenue, is the godfather of Dallas architects. Henry B. Thomson (Hal Thomson) was a society architect, who after his grand tour of Europe, made his mark on Swiss Avenue. The Aldredge home on Swiss Avenue and 5323 Swiss Avenue, that I just sold, quickly come to mind when one thinks of architect Hal Thomson. Twenty-five years ago, I sold the home for the Fraiser family who had owned the home for almost 50 years. They had maintained this grand Swiss Avenue home and kept its original condition virtually untouched, which accentuated the architectural brilliance of architect Hal Thomson.
Centennial Photographs of Swiss Avenue Homes
Realtor Douglas Newby took photographs of every Swiss Avenue home during the centennial of Swiss Avenue so that you would have an opportunity to see this collection of architect-designed and architecturally significant homes in geographical order. Please contact Douglas Newby if you would like to find out about the nuance and comparative value of each Swiss Avenue block and each home.

Swiss Avenue Historic Homes 4902 – 4949

Swiss Avenue Homes in MLS For Sale
Currently There Are Only 0 MLS Homes for Sale in Swiss Avenue
Realtor Douglas Newby has helped many of his clients purchase Swiss Avenue homes for sale in MLS and not for sale in MLS. Here, Douglas Newby shows the Swiss Avenue homes listed for sale in MLS.
No MLS Homes Found.